Oh geeze. This isn't good... You need art, but someone stole your pen. Also you can't draw. Oh woe is you, what shall you do?

Well fear not my friend! You're at the home of DOODLEMACHINE, a one-stop-shop for all your artsy needs. Illustrations? Animations? Graphics? Yes, I do it all! I make art so you don't have to. Leave your project in my many many capable hands.
Illustrations made with Pencils, Pens, Paint, Pixels, and Paths. The 5 p's. It was going to be 6 p's, but folks didn't seem to want my illustrations made of potatoes.

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Moving things tend to grab attention. These little spinning gears surely grabbed your attention, otherwise you probably wouldn't be reading this sentence... Right?

Sample for viewing in the SERVICES!
Illustrations without design are illustrations without a home. Wouldn't your drawings look better in a logo, layout, or website? Yes. Yes they would.

Think I can help? GET IN TOUCH!