I want to contact you, but I'm shy...
Don't be! I don't bite.
I need this quick! Can you do it?
Hell yeah! Email me or call my cell, let me know you need a quick turnaround time. I like a challange!
Do you give discounts for bulk orders?
Probably. When I work on larger projects I get quicker and the project ends up more cohesive, which ultimately means I would charge less for each piece.
Do you work on spec?
I can accomodate any budget except zero. Get a job you freeloading hippie.
How do I know if you're available, capable, or interested in my project?
Just ask! Unfortunately I can't take on all projects. Some projects aren't for me, sometimes I'm too busy to accept new work (I'm just one man after all!), and every now & then I'm sick or on vacation. But I'm always available to review your needs and give thought to how I can help you out. I'm here to serve, so don't hesitate to get in touch.
How much
do you charge?
It depends. Every project is different, which is why I quote on a project-by-project basis. Check out the quote info section below for more quote info.
What licenses do you offer?
New illustrations are my product so I like to make the most out of every picture I create.
If you're fine with me using the illustrations elsewhere (for example if I chose to make a greeting card or t-shirt from your illustrations), then I always include a single-use non-exclusive licence for free with all my quotes. Or you needed more control you could have timed exclusivity, unlimited exclusivity, unlimited useage, or a complete buyout. Just include this in your quote request if needed. There's more license information below.
What if I have my own terms and copyright needs?
No problem, send over your contract and I'll review.
What's your favorite food?
What kind of question is that? Are you even taking this FAQ seriously? Just go...